Chapter Three

1. What was the “biggest drawback” that the animals encountered when using the farm implements?
2. What was the pig’s role in the harvest? Why did they assume this particular role?
3. Why did the animals seem to enjoy every mouthful of food that they ate?
4. What was peculiar about the behavior of the cat?
5. How had the rebellion changed Benjamin? Explain your answer.
6. What did the different elements of the flag represent?
7. What was a bit peculiar about the way in which Snowball and Napoleon related to each other at the general assembly?
8. How did Snowball manage to deal with the problem of the less intelligent animals not being able to learn the Seven Commandments by heart?
9. What responsibility does Napoleon take on, on page twenty-two? Why?
10. How does Squealer explain the pigs use of the milk and the apples?

Chapter Four

1. Describe the differences between the two farms that adjoin Animal Farm: Foxwood and Pinchfield. How do the conditions on each farm reflect the personalities of their respective owners?
2. What rumors did Frederick and Pilkington spread about Animal Farm?
3. Describe the military strategy that Snowball developed for the “Battle of the Cowshed”, using your own words.
4. How did the animals celebrate their victory?
5. What did the animals do with the gun?

Chapter Five

1. How did Snowball “sell” his idea of building a windmill to the other animals on the farm? Provide examples of the benefits that he promised.
2. How did Benjamin react to the idea of building a windmill?
3. How did Napoleon react to Snowball’s ideas for building a windmill? How did he demonstrate his contempt for Snowball’s plans?
4. What method did Napoleon use to remove Snowball from his position of power?
5. What is Squealer’s role in the Animal Farm system of government?