Horton High School

NAMES: __________________________________________ ­



Has the group created a consistent, engaging format for the page?

Do colours compliment or clash? 

Does the colour scheme allow for easy reading?


 Do all links/images work properly?

 Does everything on the page contribute positively to the browsing experience?

Has the group showed competence in describing a pre-plan for the assignment on first deadline?

Does the site use frames? If so, do they serve a useful function for the site?

 Does the site use applets (rollovers, java, flash, etc.)? Do they compliment the site, or do they compromise effectiveness?                                                                  ______10



Has proofreading eliminated errors of formatting, punctuation, grammar, spelling, and usage?          

Is the website effective and convincing in getting the message across?

Is the message “original” (at least in the presentation of information provided, if not topic) or does it merely provide information and/ that can be found on other websites?

Is information verifiable and accurate?

Has the group given credit to the people who host the images and information they borrowed?




Are all instructions followed as requested?  Are all quotes formatted properly and adequately noted?                       


 MARK: _______________                                                                                                   LATE PENALTY? _______            Days X 10% = ____________

                                                                                                TOTAL                                  /25