The Old Man And The Sea

Section 3 - pages 44-95 (16-26)

Numbers in parentheses are the page numbers for the digital version.


Define the following terms: (15 in total) Consider the context of the story when deciding on definitions.

peruse, thwart, rapier, conscientious(ly), interminable, treachery, gunwale, stepped, ptomaine poisoning, coagulate, undulation, taut, longitudinally, intolerable, sustenance.

Reading and responding

1. Search through pages 44-95 (16-26) and find instances where Santiago refers to the boy. Read the episode before each case (the 1,2 or 3 paragraphs before the mentioning of the boy, and perhaps a paragraph or two after) and explain, in each case, what prompted him to wish for the boy's presence. Give a brief summary of the event and propose an explanation why it would lead the old man to wish for the boy.

2. How does the old man's attitude about the boy change over the course of the story?

3. On page 54 (20), a bird visits the old man. Read the passage from page 54 (20)"A small bird came toward the skiff..." until the last full paragraph on page 55 ( 20 – ending at “The bird had flown up when the line jerked…”). Compare that passage with the one from section two, page 29 (10, paragraph 3) and with the last paragraph on pg. 63 (last full paragraph on pg. 23).

4. Read the episode about the arm-wrestling match. Why does the old man remember this story? Why do you think Hemingway included this episode in the novel?

5. Read the first three sentences on pg 64 (pg. 23 - 'It will uncramp...") then read the first two full sentences on pg 71 (las 2 sentences, third full paragraph - "he has tried a few practise matches..." pg. 26).

· What episodes cause Santiago to make these statements?

· If his left hand has always betrayed him, why does he think it will help him land the Marlin?

· What other famous episode deals with someone betraying his brother? Is it relevant to this story? How?

6. Find information about Joe DiMaggio. What parallels can be drawn between Santiago and the baseball legend? Find some passages in this section that deal with Santiago's admiration of Joe DiMaggio . Cite the page number, state the context of the passage and explain the relevance for each example.