No Logo by Naomi Klein

Section 3 – “The Brands Bounce Back” pg 15.

  1. What were some of the companies that came out of the recession unhurt?  Why?  
  2. What was the “real” legacy of Marlboro Friday?  
  3. What approaches did Nike and Reebok use to establish and expand a stronghold in the athletics market?  
  4. How did General Motors establish a new mindset when branding the Saturn line of vehicles?  
  5. Provide examples and explain how some companies managed to expand during a recession even without spending money on advertising.  
  6. Why do brands need to “establish emotional ties”, as stated by Scott Bedbury?  
  7. What was the lesson of Marlboro Friday?  
  8. How does Amazon .com represent a new age in pure branding?  
  9. What did experts consider one of the company’s problems when Levis started losing market share in the late nineties?  How did Richard Branson’s Virgin Group represent what many thought Levi’s was lacking?  
  10. What is meant by the statement, “And if Caterpillar and Intel can brand, surely anyone can.” (25)?