Your task is to take an inanimate object and animate it. Think of all the things that happen to your object over the course of a day, or some other period of time, and write your story as if you were that object.

Step 1: "brainstorm". Come up with ideas and write them down as quickly as possible. Don't worry about order or proper spelling/grammar just yet. Make sure you get as many ideas on your page as you can.

Step 2: organise these ideas in a logical order. Think about what should come first, second, third, and so on.

Step 3: Consider how these things would affect you if you were that object. What things would bother you? What things would be common to you, and no big deal? How would your object react to being used or misused?

Step 4: Write a rough copy. Use as many of your brainstorm ideas as possible. Make sure the flow of events and your reaction to them seems appropriate.

Step 5: Edit and produce a final copy to be passed in, complete with all the previous steps (brainstorm sheets (all three), organiser and rough copy).

