Beowulf Vocabulary


1. epic (noun)

  • An extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero.
  • A literary or dramatic composition that resembles an extended narrative poem celebrating heroic feats.

2. polytheism (noun)

  • The worship of or belief in more than one god.

3. hubris (noun)

  • Excessive pride, arrogance.

4. hamartia (noun)

  • The error of judgment, or tragic flaw in a hero, particularly in an ancient Greek tragedy.


5. pagan  (noun)

  • One who is not a Christian, Muslim, or Jew; heathen.

6.kenning (noun)

  • A metaphorical compound word or phrase (such as swan-road for ocean) used especially in Old English and Old Norse poetry. kenning example             

7. syncretize (verb)

  • Attempt to amalgamate or reconcile (differing things, especially religious beliefs, cultural elements, or schools of thought).


8. benevolent (adjective)

  • Kindly, charitable.
  • benevolence (noun)

9. cunning (adjective)

  • Shrewd; crafty.  Exhibiting ingenuity.


 10. vehement (adjective)

  • Characterised by forcefulness of expression or intensity of emotion; ardent.
  • vehemence (noun)

11. epiphany  (noun)

  • A sudden, striking understanding of something.
  • (do not confuse this with “Epiphany”)


12. in medias res (adverb)

  • Into the middle of a narrative without preamble.
  • Into the midst of things.


13. wergild (noun)

  • In Anglo-Saxon and Germanic law, a price set upon a person's life on the basis of rank and paid as compensation by the family of a slayer to the kindred or lord of a slain person to free the culprit of further punishment or obligation and to prevent a blood feud.


14. anguish (noun)

  • Severe mental or physical pain or suffering.

15. moor (noun)

  • An expanse of open rolling infertile land.
  • A boggy area, especially one that is peaty and dominated by grasses.

16. reproach (verb & noun)

  • (v) To find fault with; blame; censure.
  • (v) To be a cause of blame or discredit
  • (n) blame or censure conveyed in disapproval: a term of reproach
  • (n) disgrace, blame  or discredit incurred. To bring reproach to one’s family.

17. linden (noun)

  • A deciduous tree with heart-shaped leaves and yellow blossoms, native to north temperate regions.

18. pyre (noun)

  • A  pile or heap of wood or other combustible material.
  • Such a pile for burning a dead body, especially as part of a funeral rite.

19. literacy (noun)

  • The ability to read and write
  • Competence or knowledge in a specified area. i.e. – computer literacy.

 20. oracy (noun)

  • The ability to understand and express oneself fluently and grammatically in spoken language.