
A little girl gets ready to go trick or treating with her friends. Her mother helps her put on her costume, as her friends wait outside her door for her.

While the kids walk along, a cynical teen plots to commandeer their hard worked for candy.

At one point the friends of the little girl decide to make their way back to their houses as it's getting late. The little girl disagrees and intends to continue on her way for the sake of more candy. While this is happening the cynical teen awaits his oppurtunity to strike.

As the three dispurse, the little girl begins her journey for more treats alone ... all alone. As she slowly and warily walks along her path oblivious of surrounding dangers, she finds her shoe lace to be untied, and bends down to fix it.

The little girl is caught off guard by a youthful stranger who asks for a ration of her candy, but as he immediately realizes her dissaproval of giving him anything, his greedy intentions cause him to simply take the candy, and the little girl as well.


Story Line

Scene 1- Picture of fall leaves. Indicates Halloween

Scene 2- Shows little girl putting on her costume getting ready to go trick or treating. Mother is helping her out wuth putting on her mask.

Scene 3- Kids outside waiting for little girl to go trick or treating.

Scene 4- Picture of kids walking away. Back view.

Scene 5- Teen is peeking around the corner (Close up) and kids in the distance. This picture represents danger arising

Scene 6- Little girl shaking her head. meaning dissapointment as her friends wish to return home for the night.

Scene 7- Kids in the distance, little girl walking towards the corner. we made sure in this picture the corner where the teen stood was included. thus indicating the danger level is rising significantly.

Scene 8- Little girl bends to tie her shoe, just past the corner where the teen "was". this picture was taken where the teen was, to show that this picture is the climax of the story.

Scene 9- Teen scoffs little girl up by the legs. (Throw candy in the air).

Scene 10- Teen has Little girl on his shoulders with the candy all over the ground. (Trail of candy).

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