My name is Ashley Brown. I was born in to the roily family as I princess my parents are king and Queen of Isabella. My mother has just passed away as well as my father which means that I have just become the new leader of my country. Which makes me very happy and I am now reed to start as leader. As I have all reed said Isabella is the name of my country. The languages that we speak is English are year round climate is its always like summer but for the months of dec. and jan it snows. My country also has three lakes there names are Soul and Pink we have three rives there names are Maddy, K.C. and Big White. Isabella has one international airport which helps us import and export are goods. The things that we export are jewelry, clothing and vetabls , the things that I import are oil, meat, and cars. Isabella is completely surrounded by water its of the coasted of Hawaii. The currency that is used here is just like Canada's. The capital city is located right in the middle of the country its name is Kelsey. A natural resource that we have are vetabls. The country's population is 4000 people we are not very big. The system of government that is used here is diacritic. This is the way that it works here in Isabella the law and punishments are listed below.

1. you can not comet murder
2. you can not sexual asalt people
3. there is no drinking and driving
4. no thefted
5. the drinking age is 18

1. house arested
2. jail
3. probation
4. fines
5. things can be taken away