


Queensland Flag



My name is Amy-Lee Schofield and I was born into a good line of smart hard workers and once I became old enough I then became leader. The name of my county is Queensland. It is connected to Nova Scotia, Canada and is run very similar to Nova Scotia. It has the same type of landscape and is mainly country, except for a few towns and the main city Queens. Our flag is very simple and has great meaning. It has a bald eagle and blue and white behind it. Our main language is English, and the second language spoken is Spanish. Although you can tell what part of the country someone lives by his or her accent. Our climate is the same as Canada, with winter, spring, summer and fall. My country has rivers, lakes, mountains and grassland. It is surrounded by water except for one small 15km spot. So it is a peninsula. In Queensland we use pesos, and are worth 80 cents to a US dollar. The capital city is Queens and is located to the Southwest. Sub divisions and other towns surround it. Our natural resources are oil; water and we grow many fruits and vegetables and sell them to our neighbors Canada and US. We import a lot of clothing, sport equipment, stuff that fulfills our wants. We also import vehicles and machinery because we are a big agriculture country and are known for our country land. Some of our exports include beer, water and fruits and vegetables. Also we have a huge hemp corporation, where we make and sell a lot of hemp products. Our system of government is we have elected groups of people (12), and as a group they make decisions on different areas. There are many groups for different areas like imports/exports, crime, etc. But all decisions are then OK by me before they are put into effect. Some things that are illegal in Queensland are murders, robbery, arsine, ANY theft in Queensland. Capital Punishment is NOT legal in my country and there are jails but mainly the people who break the law are the ones who are out working in the fields, preparing our crops and stuff like that. The criminals do all the hard work in our country that know one else wants to do. Their punishment is work! In my country we do not believe in serious jail time. There is a lot of 'country' living in Queensland. A lot of people farm for a living and grow their own food and hunt their own animals. We have a large population of moose in Queensland and we keep their numbers up but we sell moose meat to Canada and USA. All in all it's a good country.

Amy-Lee Schofield