This is my map of Kejicooji.

This is the Kejicooji flag.


MY name is Robert Hickey, My father who past on years ago used to own the whole island and now I do. The name of the island Is Kejicooji on a map the island kind of looks more like a square than a circle.
The Kejicooji flag has some bright colors in it, red and orange with a blue rectangle in the middle and yellow stars that form a circle in the rectangle.
The languages spoken on this island are mainly English, French and some other languages from all over the world. This is not just an island it is like paradise where a lot of tourists travel for their vacations.
All year round is summer.
Kejicooji has one lake called Swan Lake and a few streams.
The capital of kejicooji is Novell. It's not very big but its big for all the for tourists attractions like little trinket shops and gift shops and including a Shopping Mall.
The country natural resources are tobacco, apples oranges, bananas, kiwis and melons.
The three leading exports are tobacco, bananas and kiwis. The Three imports are illegal armory, tobacco and meats.
The system of government is democracy.
The five most important rules are no drinking under the age of 14, you must have a pass in order to get on the island which you will get with the boat or plane ticket when u buy them to come on to the island. You must be at least 13 years of age in order to be eligible for a driver's license. Marijuana usage is allowed and no abusive or sexually language is allowed.
There are four levels of punishment and they are:
First offense = fine of $100.
Second offense = 10-50 hours of community service.
Third offense = 2-48 hours of boot camp
Fourth offense = 24h-25 years in jail.