South Mountain

My name is Luke Hawkesworth. I became a leader by finding a big piece of land and claming it and then building a country on it. The name of my country is South Mountain. It looks like a round piece of land coming off another piece of land. My flag look red and white and has South Mountain written in the middle and has out capital logo West Coast choppers in the corner in a iron cross, it has a nice design under the words south mountain. The Languages that are spoken there are English and redneck and mountain.
The year round climate is winter all year round in the south part of it and warm in the north side. My country has a river and a lake and my country is a mountain and it has very little plains on it. My country is surrounded by water but it joins on to the main land.
The Currency used in my Country Mountain money witch is the same as Canadian money. The Capital City is south central and it is located at the top of the map.
The natural resources of this country is oil sandpits and trees. The three leading imports are Trucks, Dirt bikes and 4wheelers. And our exports are Christmas trees, Oil and Sand. The population of South Mountain is 2000. The System of government it has a king.
The five most important laws are no steeling, no drinking and driving in vehicle's, make sure every one has a truck at the age of 8, No Fords and NO imports. The Five common forms of punishment are you get thorn in jail, get you truck taking away, if truck is taking then get you bike or 4 wheeler taken, get put in the grease tank, if you are real bad then you go to the bottom of mountain