My name is Lindsey Cameron. The name of the country that I am the leader of is Cam-Country.  I became the leader of this great nation two years ago after my mother, the high empress died unexlainedly.

          When you look at my country on a map it looks more like an island than anything else. It is a small modest country but it is very well known throughout the world.

          The flag of Cam-Country is very easy to recognize. It’s a rectangular shape with an orange background. In the Middle of the flag there is a yellow oval with another orange rectangle inside of it and a yellow circle inside of that.

          The official language of Cam-Country is English. It is the most commonly spoken language. Although, in some small villages around the coastal areas Hungarian is widely spoken because of the Hungarian fishermen who immigrated here almost two centuries ago when the fishing grounds were still fertile.


          The weather in Cam-Country fairly stable for the most part. The climate is a lot like autumn here in Canada. We have a month of snow every year for Christmas but other than that it’s pretty consistent. Cam-Country is surrounded by water. Inside the country there are rivers and mountains and beautiful countryside. There is one main river which runs through the country and into the ocean. It is the source of water for most of the inhabitants.

          The country is surrounded by water because it is an island. It is in the middle of the ocean. To get off of the island you have to either Fly off by using the country’s international airport or by boat which is the most common form of transportation.

          The currency that is used in Cam-Country is Canadian and American dollars. Although currency’s from other countries are accepted their exchange rate is very low.

          The capital of Cam-Country is Cam-town which is located near the river. The natural resources of the country are fruit (specifically apples and oranges), fish, tobacco and corn.

          The three leading imports that the country receives are gas, oil, and meat. Oil being the most important because it is the main source of heat for most homes during the snow month.

          The population of Cam-Country is approximately 610. Although the population is in a steady incline thanks to an unexplained baby boom. The form of government used in our country is democracy. All the leaders of the different states are elected in a voting process. Although the royal family of which I am apart of has the ultimate control of the decisions made. So it is more of a democratic monarchy.

          The five most important laws in Cam-Country are 1) No drinking under 18, 2) No jaywalking, 3) No Illegal fishing, 4) no spitting in public,

5) any illegal foreign immigrants will be deported.

          The five most common forms of punishment in Cam-Country are 1) fines, 2)  jail time, 3) Community service, 4) forced labor, 5) public humiliations and slanders of law beakers.