
My name is Jody Barkhouse and I recently won an election and am now the proud president of Rebel, a country in which I have been chosen to design from the ground up. It was a close presidential race and I won narrowly beating my opponent. Now it is up to me to make rules and laws and other important decisions.
My first order of business was to get my design team to design a flag, and map the plot of land that is the future site of Rebel. We have one main island and three others that connect to it using the latest technology in designing and building state of the art bridges. The two islands to the south are for our industries so that our main island isn't cluttered with massive amounts of factories or pollution.
I decided that our main language should be English, and for a secondary language I chose French. I figured English would be a good choice because my team of designers and I are all English speaking people so it only made sense to me that our countries main language should be my own language since I am the leader and all.
The climate is a little out of my control but how we use our different seasons isn't, for example in the winter when its cold and snowy we will utilize our central region mountains for ski resorts and build a world class Olympic center so we can proudly host the Olympics someday down the road, in the summer our fresh and salt water are warm and surrounded by beaches, along with amusement parks and our many national parks bring in tourists from around the world.
Our national currency is Rebelions, we have an exchange rate very close to the American dollar, although our markets fluctuate just like the foreign markets. I like the Canadians approach to designing money, the color scheme is a good idea and I wish to design the paper money kind of the same, with different colors and pictures on then, and also design it to that it cannot be counterfeited by thieves and criminals. Our coins will be measured in .1R, .25R, 1.00R, and 2.00R.
The capital city is called Rebel City, and is located on the main island and is almost dead on in the center. We chose to make our capital there because we thought if it was in the middle that it would be equally fair because its in the midle of everything, and the cost of shipping goods and other things would be equally fair for everybody, even the people on the three smaller islands
Our natural resources are forestry, natural gas, and gold mining in the mountains. Our geology team estimates that there is billions of dollars in each of our eight mountain regions. Our off shore oil project will alost bring us a lot of money because we plan on storing and saving oil for when we don't have as much, and we wont be runnging our oil rigs all at once too because it will cost less for power and it will leave us more oil for the future. Forestry will also be a valuable resource for us and I am very excited about the pulp and paper industry that I plan to start up.
The main Imports are Canadian beer, no matter how hard we try we will never be able to brew a beer as good as Labatt Blue, clothing and food. We will be exporting Rebel beer, oil, and marijuana, since its lagal in our country and we have ideal growing conditions we will be exporting only to the government leaders of countries that want it, not the people that live in those countries, or the people that try to make money off of it, we want to get rid of drug dealers not help new ones start up.
The population of my country is approximately 7.5 million people and my peoples choice of government is democracy. Our 5 most important laws are as follows:

- No murdering people.
- No steeling or robing of any kind.
- Marijuana is 100% legal.
- Legal drinking age is 16.
- Legal driving age is 14.

Our system of punishment is designed so that it keeps the criminals off the street if they don't clean up their acts and change their lives around. It looks kind of like this:
1st Offence - Warning
2nd Offence - Community service
3rd Offence - Minimum security correctional facility
4th Offence - Maximum security federal prison
5th And Final Offence - You will be sentenced to death