Middle Earth


My Flag



I am Supreme Lord Colin is the ruler of Middle Earth. I become leaders by Hastily take over, in Middle earth. The country is shaped like a square almost. The country's flag is made up of lot of triangles, of all different sizes, and colors. The shape of my country is just about a square, all but one little in lit.
The year around climate is half of the year cold and the other half of the year is warm.
Some of the features of Middle Earth are mountains, rivers, open plans, and lakes that board China. In Middle Earth we speck Russian.
The three main leading imports and exports are, Exports- Gold, Oil, and Grain. Import are - Lumber, exotic foods, and Metal. My country's main leading natural resources are- Gold, Oil, and Ore.
The capital city of Middle earth is Canning. Canning is local in the central of Middle Earth. The currency Middle Earth use's is Pounds.
Population of Middle Earth is 2.5 Million. The type of government in Middle Earth is Dictatorship.
The five most important laws in Middle Earth are,
1. Don't piss me off
2. Work to make money
3. Do what you are told
4. Do not steal
5. Do not kill

The five most common used forms of punishment are,
1. Death
2. Hands cut off
3. Send to go work in the mines
4. Lost two fringe's and two toes
5. Send to death camp