My name is Barrett and I am the king of The Darkside. I became the king by killing the last one. The name of the country is Darkside. On a map, my country is a round island with a cove. It is mainly green with a large mountain on the West Side. The flag is a large black dot with two black stripes on the side. The language spoken here is strictly English. If they don't know it when they arrive than they have to learn it at the school.


The climate here is sunny year round and has snow on the top of its mountain year round for snowboarding and ski-doo's. There are a few small rivers, a lake, a bay, and a canal leading in from the sea that surrounds it. The currency that is used is U.S. The name of the capital city is Paradise. It is the biggest on the island. The countries natural resources are fishing, forestry, and sports. The countries three main exports are coffee beans, fruits and vegetables, and lumbar. The main imports are sporting goods, canned food, and vehicles. There is not much to be shipped in because this country is very independent.

This is not a large country but it is newer. The population is around 500. The main income for the island is the sport team they have. The system of government is that you always follow what the king says. The five laws in my country are No stealing, No Killing, Everyone under the age of 16 has to complete school, You must have a job or some other source of income. Every other crime that is committed, the person is put in front of the king and he decides if he gets sent off the island or not. That is the only punishment.