Communication Design Project: Principles


Hard Due Date: Day 5, Wednesday, February 23, 1999.


There are two primary goals of this project. The first is to develop an appreciation for and experience designing through the principles of design. Second, is to create a personalized design which seduces an audience through aesthetics and engage them with meaning. The more you experiment with the relationship of aesthetics and meaning, the stronger your design should be. Also, each design should make appropriate use of the affective and communication potential of colour, shape, line, texture, and value.

See Evaulation Form

Complete one of the following projects to its greatest creative potential:

  1. Create four designs at approximately 4"x6" scale, each focusing around a different principle of designs and promotes a particular event or idea. If , for example, you are involved with any school team, club, or event you might create a poster design which promotes it. After selecting and modifying the best design, develop a poster scaled version of it (e.g.11"x14").
  2. Create four postcard size designs or art works. Each design is to focus around a particular principle of design, though no two should be on the same principle. You can choose whether you want your postcards to have a political, observational, or expressive subject. The post card can take on a personal significance or it can promote an idea or product. Taking your best design, create a good version which can act as an actual postcard. The final product might be entered into an international juried art show. See

3. a) create a range of logos for yourself designed from the perspective of any four of the following points or view (each should be 4"x5"):

- your mother

- your enemy

- a liberal personality

- a conservative personality


- a friend

- an employer

- yourself

- a stranger

- a citizen of a third world nation

b) Each logo must use two or more elements of design and focus on a particular principles of design. In all, a minimum of four principles of design must be used.

c) create a poster which promotes your finest logo design.

MATERIALS: you can use gouache paints, collage, markers, mixed media, graphite, etc. Do sketching and good designs in your Art Journal. Final posters, use mayfair or manilla paper.

You are expected to use a good design process of sketching, researching, experimentation, planning, reviewing, etc. Dont rush your designs, mediocre work will not be accepted.

When we are done this project, returning to the Mac studio, you can select an appropriate way to present or further manipulate your design. Your design might be packaged and presented in Pagemaker, manipulated in Photoshop, recreated in Illustrator, or perhaps inspire a video or a shockwave movie. If we continue in this direction you will be afforded time to work through the tutorials relevant to each software package.



Communication Design Project: Principles

Evaluation Form


Date Handed in:


I have completed:

___/4 designs for a Poster/ Postcard / Logo (20)

I chose one of these designs, modified it and made one Poster / Postcard (5)

There are no / little / sufficient / extensive preliminary and exploratory sketches that helped me in the process towards designing this project (10)

a brief / clear and concise written description of my design process, outlining how my designs work to deliver the concepts which I want to communicate. (5)



My designs:

 In my Art Journal, are completed with :
-little care for clarity of communication
-adequate care for clarity "
-great care for clarity " (4x___= /40)


Demonstrate minimal a fair degree great use of the principles of design (10)


Final design:

Poster/ Postcard

Is clear

Well executed

Uses the principles of design thoughtfully

Is completed
