20th Century Project

Grade 11 Design project

by Jessica Jung and Joseph Peters.




Although typewriters were first used in the 19th cenbtury they did not become popular until the 20th century. This particular model was used to make hard work easier. Many people were handwriting all of their papers, so being able to type helped to ease the workload.

In the year 2020 Freedom of the Mind has unveiled hidden government documents of a secret project that can trace thoughts of the human mind, using a memory scanner. This simple 'type writter' can be easily modified to become a complex memory holder, where one can keep their deepest darkest secrets and be freed from the governments hold on the human brain.



The image of a 1948 Cadillac and all that Cadillac stands for is easily altered when it's simple logo is replaced by the logo of an international skateboard company. Proving that simplicity ie: a piece of wood with wheels attatched, to some carries a similar enjoyment of experiencing different modes of transportation without complicated mechanics. Although you are more likely to see a world industries skate board than a 1948 Cadillac, we may in the future be forced to go back to the basics instead of the complex mechanisms which we are surrounded by today. At the time that this car was made there was great emphasis placed on the capabilities of technology, after a century of creation we can now ride around on a board and enjoy life.



New Day, 48 x 58", 1999, oil



This picture was originally painted on a canvas that was roughly textured by swirling thick gesso over the cloth. It was then covered in yellow paint. The blue of the sky was layered over the dried yellow and the clouds were dabbed and rubbed off to expose the color underneath. We have changed the picture around to give it a spiritual feeling. In the sky of the painting you can see the image of a computer between the clouds. In today's technological society many people "worship" computers.