


Triumphal arch: is a monument introduced by the Romans to celebrate military victories. The arches started out small and simple but soon they became very elaborate great works of art.



Colosseum: a very large amphitheater built in Rome about 75 AD for the use of public events, entertainment and assemblies.



Fasces: A bundle of rods held together around an ax. This was carried before ancient Roman ruler as a symbol of authority .

Spolia: decorative elements taken from earlier monuments.

Monument: A structure built to commemorate a person or an important event in history.


Marble: A hard rock made from a form of limestone or dolomite. Usually contains various streaks of color from imparities. Marble is used in architecture and sculptures.



Relief: A form of artwork where figures are carved onto a flat background so that they become slightly raised and project outwards.


  Emperor: A male ruler of an Empire. A title of dignity, superior to that of a king.


Plinth: A block or slab used for a column.



Augustus: Was the first Roman Emperor. The name is also given to represent a high level of honor or power.



Cornice: A decorative ornament that completes or crowns the top of arches, buildings or walls.


Roundel: A curved circular panel used in architecture.