Input 2000: Television on the Edge

Dearest Parents of fantastic kids… that means you!

On Wednesday May 17th I would like to take a group of students to Halifax to visit CBC and witness Part I of Input 2000: Television on the Edge. This is a great opportunity to view new films and question a panel of top notch directors.

The first 30 Grade11 students registered in FVP12 who pay their $10- bus fee and bring in a signed permission form will be selected to attend this day trip. We plan to depart from Horton at 8:00, returning for 3:15.

We ask that parents ensure that a ride home from Horton after the field trip is arranged. Also, it is recommended that students either have with them a packed lunch or money to buy lunch.

This should be a fun and informative trip. If you have any questions or concerns, or if you care to join us as a chaperone (please let me know by filling out the form below) contact me at 542-6060 or by email:


Paul Syme

I________________________, give my son/daughter _____________________ permission to attend a trip to NSCAD, Anna Leonowens Gallery, and the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia on Wednesday May 17th, 2000. I understand that my son/daughter is obliged to observe all Horton policies, including no smoking while on field trips. I will also be sure to arrange a drive home from the school for my son/daughter.

Parent/ Guardian signature __________________________________ Date:_______________

Contact # _902____________________

Alternate contact # _902 ____________________

Student signature __________________________________ Date:_______________

Chaperones needed!!! If you are interested please leave your name and contact numbers below:

Name: __________________________________________

Home phone: __________________________________________

Work phone: __________________________________________