1. Applicants must submit a Art Journal/journal that was begun at least 3 months prior to the submission of the application. The Art Journal/journal may include sketches, plans, drawings from observation, samples of creative writing, notes/observations made in response to other works (exhibitions, museums, novels, etc.), and explorations of mark-making with varied materials; and should demonstrate a sustained personal involvement in the exploration of ideas and images. 2. Applicants must make and submit a drawing from life of either a) their face; or b) a cross section of a cabbage or cauliflower. |
Must be done as part of the course |
Further Projects: Choose at least two further projects to submit from the list below: 3. In no less than a paragraph, an applicant may describe an object or situation verbally. S/he should then describe it again non-verbally. 4. An applicant may design a functional object for personal use or adornment. 5. An applicant may make something that involves an interesting or provacative use of colours and textures. 6. An applicant may write a critical description of some aspect of her/his immediate environment and say how and why s/he thinks it could be improved. 7. An applicant may combine a manufactured object and natural object, and tell or show how and why the newly-created object is useful or useless. |
Do any two in term 1 and two more in term 2 |
Application form (.pdf)