A Logic for the Assessment of Student Work in ART 12

Mr. P. Syme, 2/7/00

A note on assessment in the arts:

Quantifying performance in studio production is a daunting task. Assessment in the arts includes an attempt by an instructor to determine how each individual is performing towards their own potential while maintaining some consistency in the evaluation of the individual when compared with their peers. Though never absolute, the instructor must at some point determine grades based on his or her own best professional judgement. The impossibility of pure objectivity in arts education assessment was resolved at post secondary institutions such as NSCAD through a pass/fail system. This is likely the most objective model for art education assessment.

In that public schools rely on the quantification of student performance, teachers in the arts are left with an alchemists task, to quantify that which is inherently subjective and relative -- to quantify that which is unquantifiable. Below is a description of the criteria I used in an attempt to quantify student performance in Art12.

Papers/ research art history:

Does the student demonstrate:

Art work:

The following items are assessed within each students' work;



Class Mark and Presentation:

This mark is determined through an assessment of the individual's preparation for each presentation and/or use of studio time.