A Logic for the Assessment of Student Work in ART 12
Mr. P. Syme
A note on assessment in the arts:
Quantifying performance in studio production is a daunting task. Assessment
in the arts includes an attempt by an instructor to determine how each individual
is performing towards their own potential while maintaining some consistency
in the evaluation of the individual when compared with their peers. Though
never absolute, the instructor must at some point determine grades based
on his or her own best professional judgement. The impossibility of pure
objectivity in arts education assessment was resolved at post secondary
institutions such as NSCAD through a pass/fail system. This is likely the
most objective model for art education assessment.
In that public schools rely on the quantification of student performance,
teachers in the arts are left with an alchemists task, to quantify that
which is inherently subjective and relative -- to quantify that which is
unquantifiable. Below is a description of the criteria I used in an attempt
to quantify student performance in Art12.
Papers/ research art history:
Does the student demonstrate:
- an understanding of the creative process of five artists' work?
- an understanding of the conditions which contribute each artists work.
Such conditions may include cultural context, economics, personality, influences,
family life, etc.?
Art work:
The following items are assessed within each students' work;
- Though time spent and number of works completed are considered during
marking, it is a professional judgment of how well the individual worked
towards their own growth and development in the arts.
- Ability to focus on a particular path of creative inquiry (regarding
the aesthetic, conceptual, practical, spiritual, etc.) and the final product
depicting evidence of such exploration
- Is the student growing in areas such as skill development, conceptual
understanding, dealing with composition, discipline, etc. within the learning
curve? This varies individually, based on assessments of where growth is
- Process. What is the relationship between final product and initial
idea or inspiration? Is there sufficient evidence that the Art Journal,
or some equivalent system of creative inquiry, is used in the creative
process towards ensuring maximum resolve in final works? To summarize,
the investment in process from idea exploration and inquiry in a sketching
stage will be evident in the final larger product.
- See Art Work assessment model
Art Journal:
- This is largely volume based, with implications for the success of
larger compositions. Sketching provides an arena where artists can practice
and develop skills, explore with materials, quickly record and explore
ideas, test and experiment with compositions, and make studies for larger
more resolved, thus successful works. The Art Journal helps one answer the
small questions so that when working on larger and more involved aesthetic
productions, one need only be concerned with the larger issues such as
specific colour choices, rendering, and pure process. Therefore, it is
believed that if the student makes productive and extensive use of the
Art Journal, the growth and overall reward of this process should be evident
in larger works.
Class Mark and Presentation:
This mark is determined through an assessment of the individual's preparation
for each presentation and/or use of studio time.
Grade 12 Art Term 1 Evaluation
- All work is to be submitted to me no later than your scheduled exam
day for Art 12.
- We should attempt to do presentations on one artist one afternoon before
your exams begin.
- If you would like to meet with me to discuss your work, please make
the effort to make an after school appointment .
following comments attempt to describe the work earning the corresponding
95% |
- Completed and submitted five (5) or more strong large scale works.
- Skecthbook is approx. 60% full
- Excellent research conducted on the work of five artists
- Strong presentation on work of one artist
75% |
- Good research conducted on the work of five artists
- Adequate to good presentation on work of one artist
55% |
- Minimal to nil research conducted on the work of five artists
- Weak presentation on one artists work
- Recommend that you drop Art 12 or make drastic changes in work behaviour
35% |
- Art Journal performance is unacceptable
- Minimal to nil research conducted on the work of five artists
- No or weak presentation on one artists work
- Recommend that you drop Art 12
0-35% |
- Art Journal performance is nil-unacceptable
- Minimal to nil research conducted on the work of five artists
- No or weak presentation on one artists work
- Recommend that you drop Art 12
The above criteria directly correlates with your course outline and if
followed will prepare you for interviews with post-secondary educational