ART 12 Term II Requirements
This course has been designed to prepared students for admission to a
post secondary institution with a specialization in a fine art or cultural
studies related discipline. Thus, it seems appropriate to explore admissions
projects to some of the prominent Canadian schools. Therefore, for Term
II, unless you have a clear path towards entry in a particular school, it
is recommended that the following projects are completed to your greatest
Projects to be done prior to Mid Term:
- You have been given a handout from NSCAD's admissions calendar. Under
the heading " NSCAD FOUNDATION PROJECTS" you will find seven
projects. You should complete both 1 and 2 and any four of
assignments 3 through 7.
- Emily Carr requires all applicants to complete their creative "Map
Your Week" project. Pretend you are an applicant and do the same.
- Ensure that you have filled approximately 85% of your sketchbook with
evidence of: your abilities (skills); your willingness to carefully and
critically observe a subject; exploration into materials; an increasing
vocabulary of marks and textures, and; an exploration of ways to grow and
to learn about yourself.
After midterm reports are issued you will be expected to deliver a class
to art10 students. So that it is not a heavy burden on you and that it remains
fun, you class might include:
- a 15 to 20 minute presentation on an artists work using slides and/or
video clips to illustrate your points
- a 5 to 10 minute primer on your expectations for a project which they
should perform for the remainder of the class. This project might involve
the creation of an artwork inspired by the artist's body of work or a particular
- walking around to assist the students on their project objectives
- allow 5 minutes for clean up
- come prepared to begin on time, having all necessary materials ready
at the beginning of class. Be organized!!! Do the project yourself at home
and time your productivity. Run through your plans with me well ahead of
time (at least one week).
ALSO, on the day of your presentation submit to me a ~2000 word essay
on this artist when you teach your class. Remember to focus on their work,
identity, cultural context, and impact on society and/or other artists.
This is not to be a biography on their life story. You paper should, however,
be of the highest academic standards including APA or MLA footnotes, a bibliography,
and illustrations.
Other important notes:
- I was light on assessments in Term I since I allowed for people to
get their feet wet on working independently. Therefore, I will be marking
more assertively in Term II.
- A minimal time guideline for furthered success in this course would
be -- for every hour you spend doing concrete work in class, you should
spend at least the equal amount of time working out of class. Thus, you
should be spending a total 6-8 hours of every week working on Art 12 projects.
In a University program you must do 12-24 hours per week per course.
- After mid-term I can either provide you with more projects or you can
propose to produce a few more large works as your final project.
- If you chose to work independently in Term II you will need to provide
me with written evidence that you are on a clear path of creative exploration
and inquiry with specific productivity goals in mind.
- If it seems that there is a lot of work here
you would be correct
if your are not prepared to stay focused. On the other hand, if you are
focused, organized, and you use your time well, you will have no problem
completed the tasks at hand having fun along the way.
- If you have any questions or want any feedback, I am here most days
until 4pm. I think it is important that we do meet regularly, hence I recommend
that we meet individually for 30 minute time slots once every two weeks
between 1:15 and 4pm. It will be up to you to make an appointment with
me at least a week ahead of time since I may not be available to meet last
minute requests. Also, may I remind you that I am volunteering my time
to offer Art12. Thus, I can only offer that we meet during this time window
when it is hopefully mutually beneficial and workable.
Have fun creating and exploring!