Adv Art 12 Additional Components:

1. Community connections: Independently, students are to find a member in our local artistic community to work with on a volunteer basis and to create an artwork or essay that demonstrates advanced artistic learning. This may be done as a combination of volunteer work and commissioned instruction. This will be done in after school hours and parents and the student will be responsible to provide their own transportation.

Artistic Learning: Artists grow through exchanges and active participation in a community.This should be an advanced experience.

2. Art Journal: The Art Journal plays an integral role in the artist's life. It is the external memory bank, recording observations, ideas, research, explorations, expressions, etc.

By the end of this course this book would be full of drawings, ideas, and written concepts. It can be used in part to produce preliminary sketches for larger ideas or to simply observe the physical world.

Advanced Art 11 students fill a 9x12 Art Journals and Advanced Art 12 fill a 11x14 Art Journal.

See Art Categorically Speaking for ideas on various forms of visual representation.

3. Art History and Theory.

Adv 11 and 12's: As part of your Art Journal, keep at least a one page record in writing and thumbnails for each of 10 artists or art theories. These can be historical or contemporary artists / theories. Preference should be given to Canadian subjects. See these sites.

Advanced Art 12 students are also responsible for all art history work required in the Art 12 program, done with the utmost concern for excellence.

Some theories in brief:

Queer Theory

Feminist Theory

Post Modernism

Post Structuralism

Clement Greenberg's Modernism


4. Solo Exhibit: Find a location in our community where you can have a solo exhibition of your term's work. Anywhere from a cafe to a corridor, to a gallery. Be creative in your pursuit for a space. Consider how the space can be arranged or altered to reflect your art work's installation.

5. Portofolio. Advanced Art 12 only. Students are required to create a digital portfolio or a traditional slide portfolio of 20 works that demonstrate an area of concentration and a depth of learning. These can come from majour works or sketches.


Extended artistic opportunities that advanced students may consider: