IB Visual Art Assessment Booklet

IB Visual Art Guide


Student selects 15 to 20 of their best investigation workbook pages for teacher assessment ...... 40%

Student prepares an art show of their course work. The student selects their best 8 to 12 art pieces for assessment by the examiner....60%

You are also required to submit a Candidate Record Booklet to Cardiff, Wales. The Candidate Record booklet must contain the following:

  • Your 300 word artist statement.
  • A written comment by the Teacher.
  • Photographs of your best 8 to 12 art pieces.
  • Photocopies of your best 15 to 20 pages from your investigation workbook.


Syllabus and Communication plan HERE

IBO Virtual Gallery and video of an IB exhibit

Link to Multicultural art

Art Theory guide PDF (this is a great one)



Portfolio application requirements:
Advanced Art 11

Students will follow the regular IB Art Program plus the "Community Connection" Component for one semester.


  • Studio Production 60%
  • Art Journal 20%
  • Art History & Theory 15%
  • Exhibition (example vid)
    Planning, hanging and marketing
  • Community Connections
    Working with a local artist.
    Gallery visits.
  • Artist Statements / Criticism
    Written and oral discussions about your art work 5%



Advanced Art 11

Contact and Submit


for discussion forums, chat and project submissions are through Moodle. User /Pass is your student.ednet email address & password.

Any Questions? Contact the teacher here

See examples of Advanced Art 11 work HERE

Another well developed Nova Scotia IB Program and student handbook



1. Thematic response: Selecting a medium of choice, make an artwork that respons to one of these themes:

Identity fraud
friendly vs evil spirits
It takes guts

Skill development & exploration


Docs & Crits

Essential information on critiquing and documenting art

1. Photo Narrative

Construct a visual narrative in ten frames, where one object reoccurs in every scene.


  • point of view, angles
  • lighting
  • Consider the narrative could be linear or non-linear (hyper-logic)
  • Experiment with taking pictures in low light with long exposures.
  • Manipulate with Photoshop.
  • Give a mood, sense of time and place.
  • see Photography approaches for IB
  • See Cindy Scherman and Yasamasa Murimua

Expressive Art

Art Journal: Probing through Observation, Expression and Symbols.

Ongoing personal development is encouraged.. making the IWB their won, like an organ.. a physical extension of their creative being.

2. Painting /colour /texture


  • colorize site-specific sketches with watercolours
  • painting studies of objects while listening to expressive music. let the music's mood come through in the strokes, surface, and colours
  • work in pure colour, no subject. Just colour, texture and simple shape. Do 3 , each in a distinct colour pallet.


Observational Art


dramatic light



Figure to ground

3. Figure and portrait - self portrait in context with dramatic light.

IN IWB: study

  • zoomed in on mechanical objects, expanded to fill the page
  • egg on cloth
  • draw a self portrait in a distorted mirror

Symbolic / conceptual Art

Constructing meaning via symbolic or conceptual art. Rauschenburg, Oldenberg.

4. Collage and mixed media (found mixed with inventive responses)

5. Virtues vs sins: explorations in propaganda design


  • Investigate hands. hybridize what people do with hands with physical hand gestures considering activities of 5 different cultures. Dig deep. avoid cliches. Find a way to conceptually or aesthetically connect the hands.
  • research & record meaning of significant symbols from three religions

Studio concentrations

Some ideas on how to explore or seek out a concentration
Benjamin Runloff's Get Unstuck
Concentration brain probes

Art History and Theory

1. Collect visual artifacts and articulate the significance of:

Ancient Greek
Roman / Etruscan
Middle ages Europe vs Ottoman
Renaissance & paradigm shifts
Baroque & Reformation / Counter Reformation
Neoclassical and Democracy
Romanticism, Realism and Industry (rural vs urban shifts)

Non-Western cultures (Multicultural art)

Promote the work of a contemporary artist by awakening The Curator in You


Docs and Crits               
As one unit students are introduced to basic photography and honing art vocab. Students will need to understand principles of photography to document their work.

This is followed by critique basics.

This unit would develop student core knowledge and visual and oral communication skills.
Critiquing would also involve being reflective and caring.

Include workshops:
PS CS 5 basics (1 class)
Studio lighting vs flash
Principles of design

Camera basics, lighting, composition, importing and making adjustments. E.g. Task: Use school areas as models to document each principle of design.
Import and enhance images in PS CS5.
Students select best image and then we do first critique using Feldman/Getty model.
Develop sensitivities to light, space, composition and develop art language.

Art Journal: Probing through Observation, Expression and Symbols.

Ongoing personal development is encouraged.. making the IWB their won, like an organ.. a physical extension of their creative being.

Students will see how the IWB is a place to support all projects as a tool to record research, poetry, curiosities, experiments, and a variety of compositional thumbnail sketches.

Students will learn to build an IWB that balances risk with rigor. The IWB will also demonstrate skills, processes and the capacity to ideate through observational, expressive, and symbolic form and content.

Students will also explore processes of ideation.. coming up with and pursuing themes of personal interest.

Sketchbook cover collage


Heuretics, logic of invention for font design
Prepping and mounting with acrylic gel /rhoplex
Cutting vs tearing


Learner Profile:

  • Knowledge
  • Thinkers
  • Reflective


Practice principles of design and controlled colour pallets to create a collage.

Create a font design from two small personal objects and integrate in design.

Design should speak of some aspect of a culture that you are part of (e.g. Italian Canadian, soccer, queer culture, etc.)

Exploration of drawing media and approaches to the nature of line and gesture

Students will also have class workshops on:
Push/pull (chaos to order)
Charcoal vs Graphite to describe light
Graphite to explore line.
Landscape drawing studies
Ink and reid pen and brush for expressive and gesture
Experimental drawing
Writing artist statements
Learner Profile:
This unit would develop student risk taking and thinking.

Develop a dictionary of mark making.
Gather and attempt examples of line quality through various media.
Create 2 fully observed study from life, one with conventional media another with found media (e.g. coffee, sticks, golf balls, lawn mowing & photo doc of outdoor drawing)
Figure / ground relationship. Gesture, subject and composition direct perception as expressive, symbolic, observational

Gallery Visit.
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia and Dal. Arts..  Witness the risk takers and learn from diverse modes of aesthetic expression.
Open minded perspective of a wide range of cultural and conceptual expressions.

Learner Profile:
This unit will involve student inquiries, thinking and risk taking.

Gallery tour to see collection. Students choose two works, one from a colonial derivation and one from a non-colonial lineage.

IWB… Sketch both works, research their origins and intent. Write and use thumbnails to explore a comparative analysis.

Studio: Create a small work that combines aspects of both works.

Still Life 3 ways of organic object.
In this unit, students will enhance their thinking, risk taking and recognize devices of persuasion, enhancing sensitivity towards being open minded.

This unit will also include workshops in:
Gouache (1 class)
Water Colour (1 class)
Acrylics (1 class)
Collage (2 classes)

IWB: study various painting media and explore still like subject from various perspectives and principles of composition.

Studio: Students will create four still life studies. One in dry media, one wet and another in mixed media, fourth is free choice. Also, each one is to focus on rhythm, personification (symbolism), explosion (expressive), or abstraction. One of the four needs to demonstrate risk, another to demonstrate careful observation.

Art Futures project

Students will research and make a Keynote presentation on possible opportunities and the realities of employment in the creative economy.

Workshop in Keynote basics and potential.
How to make the medium disappear – captivating audiences.. balance of text, image and spoken work. Interactivity.

Use research and examples to make a case for a career in the arts. Use contemporary data gathered from reputable sources to prepare a presentation that would be targeted at parents to defend your position to seek a lucrative and rewarding career in the arts.

Figure to ground.
Figure drawing through gesture, responsive line, description of form.

Workshops on:
Looking for connections in face and hands.
Gesture drawing
Responsive line
Rendering implied textures

  • Learner profile:
  • inquiry
  • Knowledge
  • Thinkers
  • Reflective
  • Risk taking.
  • IWB:

Anatomy studies 
Texture study
Figure in context with texture experiments
Narrative construction, gesture to animation with iPad.
Studio: Create a large figurative self portrait with your self in a context. Stick with monochrome media.





















































Virtues vs sins: explorations in propaganda design.
Developing conceptual approaches and media awareness.

Understanding and
combining traditional and contemporary print media to make a propaganda poster.

Medium: Printmaking
- lino, serigraph, or collograph graphics for a poster finally executed with digital tools.

Visual order: Expressive or symbolic art.


  • Lino basics
  • Collograph basics
  • serigraphy
  • Inking and pressing.
  • Social justice
  • inDesign
  • Pages

This project should develop student capacities in every aspect of the learner profile.

  • How you would represent any three of the seven deadly sins or virtues in a way that would affect you?

lust (extravagance) vs chastity
gluttony vs temperance
greed vs charity
sloth vs diligence
wrath vs patience
envy vs kindness
pride vs humility

  • IWB: Research and explore concepts and incidents for any 3 paradigms. Use public, commercial and NFP news media.
  • Studio: from your research, create a work that models a virtue vs sin tension to promote change or action around a social justice issue.
  • Use traditional print design for graphics. Scan in print and combine with text through inDesign to make compelling poster.
  • Art History IWB: Bosco, Goya, Otto Dix, Japanese prints, Chinese serigraphs.
  • Propoganda from WWII (Canada, USA, German, Japan) Parastroika, etc. Concert posters.














Art History Survey…
Teacher led

Students investigate topics and teach each other the pariculars in their area of “expertise”.
Moodle is NB tool for students to post, share and review information

Students learn about art in context of their influences and cultural conditions.

Establish a visual arts historical and cultural vocabulary.

Ancient Greek
Roman / Etruscan
Middle ages Europe vs Ottoman
Renaissance & paradigm shifts
Baroque & Reformation / Counterreformation
Neo-Classical and Democracy
Romanticism, Realism and Industry (rural vs urban shifts)

Independent 1

Workshops include:
Stretcher building and canvas prep with gesso, gel or rabbit skin glue

Students will create a proposal to create a major work from a path of personal inquiry / interest

Students will build on a theme and media approach of personal significance.

Xerox to Drawing.

Work from photocopies if images from master photographers (ie. Ansel Adams, Bill Viola, Suzy lake))

Working from two Xerox images in part or in whole, assemble the images on a 20x26" sheet of mayfair. Use graphite to complete this drawing which the Xerox images began.

Art History Survey…
Student led

Students become experts of a 19th -21st century artist or movement. Artist’s influence or relation to a culture is key focus.



Topics might include:
Connecting trade & technology, Japanese prints and van Gough
Hispanic families and Pepon Osirio
Text, truth and Jenny Holtzer
Appropriation and Yasamasa Morimura
Tracing Velazquez to Warhol to Tony Scherman.

  • TasK:  Use Keynote as a tool to deliver a 20 minute lesson

Ritual Project in the 3rd and 4th dimensions:

Workshops include:
Performance art
Movie editing
Installation art
Through this project, students should engage all aspects of the learner profile.

Students will create a performance, video, or installation that is a ritual, in part or whole.

Study various rituals to understand their nature.
Explore rituals of grandeur vs the banal. Investigate the role ritual plays in various colonial and non-colonial cultures.
Create your own ritual through a contextual/spatial or time based media.

Independent 2

Workshops include:
Stretcher building and canvas prep with gesso, gel or rabbit skin glue

Students will create a proposal to create a major work from a path of personal inquiry / interest


Independent 3

Extending from their previous independent work, students will create a second major work.

Independent 4

Extending from their previous independent work, students will create a second major work.

Independent 5

Extending from their previous independent work, students will create a second major work.






Art11 Advanced Studio Projects:

1. Artist trading cards. Students will create a series of 20 artist trading cards, each 2.5" x 3.5". These original works of art are used for trading purposes with students inside or others outside of the school. Students may use a variety of materials, conventional and non. For more information, see this site on ATC's. Join a community at this ATC site.

Write a reflection or short statement of intent to accompany each card. Good design skills could enable you to successfully record this statement on the back side of each card.

Artistic Learning: This project is aimed to have the student explore and stretch in their use of media and to develop a stronger range of representation.

Keep your preliminary sketches and create an all encompassing artist statement.

2. Set up a tightly arranged still-life subject of 5 or more different objects. On a 22 x 30" sheet of paper, use a ruler and the principals of linear perspective (3 point) to draw this still life.You will be combining your powers of observation with your capacity to use two and three point perspective to produce this representational drawing.

Strategies to help you:

  • Plan carefully. Use the perspective system to only support or compliment your own observations.
  • Create preliminary sketches in your Art Journal, to plan and understand the inter connectivity of your arrangement.
  • Use a fixed light source that can help you achieve shadows that don't shift over time

Create a reflection (typed) on the process. Discuss the challenges you were confronted with and how you overcame them.



Project 2 continued

Develop and produce a way to contain and present your artist trading cards.

Project 3: E-portfolio.

Students will construct a personal portfolio that is built to grow and adapt through Grade 12.This is done in conjunction with the Design 11 built environment project.

Learning Targets here (PDF)


Sample Student Portfolios

Marita Winslade

Hannah Stewart

Laura Pratt

Ellen Whitman

Kyung Chung

Piper Campbell


Project 4: Project created through community links.

Components include:

  • A letter of intent which articulates the advanced learnings that you aim to gain through your mentor.
  • An artwork or essay that demonstrates the gains from the mentorship learning experience
  • A typed reflection of the process and experience.See here for things you could discuss.

Project 5: Self directed.

This artwork is to demonstrate the growth you have made. The topic and media are self directed. The project should demonstrate the scale and rigors of an advanced art student.

  • Include a series of thumbnail sketches and documented explorations and ideas
  • A Typed artist statement.

Extended artistic opportunities that advanced students may consider:

IB Art Links

Great art history examples collected by another IB art program