11 (PHY11)
11 is primarily intended to provide the necessary background for the further
study of Physics in high school or the sciences at universities, technical
schools, and community colleges. However, it is also appropriate
for students who will not study more science, as it presents a way of
understanding the physical world and processes of science. (Why
Take Physics?)
will be given the necessary learning opportunities to: understand the
basic concepts of Physics and their applications within our society, apply
scientific reasoning to problem solving, and develop learning skills to
be used throughout life. Computers will be used extensively for
the exploration of simulations, the collection of experimental data, and
the subsequent analysis of the data obtained. The internet will
provide a means for students to keep up to date in the world of Physics.
recommendations: Successful completion of both MAT10 and SCI10 is
expected and students should be enrolled in MAT11 or ADVMAT11.
This is
an enriched version of PHY11, intended to challenge students with above
average ability and with a particular interest in science. This
would provide an excellent background for further work in science at the
university level. Students will be introduced to the use of computers
in the collection and analysis of data and research into various physics
The topics
are the same as those covered in PHY11, however, students are expected
to make use of more advanced problem solving skills, to take a more mathematical
approach to problems, and to work more independently. In addition
to the standard topics, there may be opportunity to explore other timely
or interesting topics. A project will be assigned each term.
recommendations: Successful completion (with honours) of both MAT10
and SCI10 is expected and students should be enrolled in ADVMAT11.
· Students
are expected to be on time for class, to be prepared
for class, and to be respectful of others.
· There are to be no hats and no headphones
worn in this room.
· Please do not bring personal stereos, cell
phones, make-up kits, skateboards, or food/drinks (including
bottled water) to class ..this room is a science lab/computer
· Bookbags/backpacks are to be left at the door.
· Students who ask to use the phone, washroom, fountain,
etc. during class are a disruption. Please utilize recess, lunch
and time between classes for this purpose.
· Please refrain from writing on tables, books, and/or
These are to
be passed in at the beginning of class on the date due.
LABS/ASSIGNMENTS printed off at the beginning of the class
will be considered LATE!!! Late labs/assignments will be penalized
1pt. if passed in by 3:30pm on the due date and 2pt. if passed
in on the following day. Items passed in within 2 days after
the due date will be marked, but the mark will be recorded as
PASS WORK IN ON TIME!!!!! Due dates are clearly posted in the
lab and also on
(course id#25942). This homework web page can be also accessed
through my web page.
If you are absent
for a test, you should be prepared to write a make-up test at lunch
on the day you return if an acceptable written excuse is
provided. If an acceptable excuse is not provided, then that test
will count as zero. Your test dates are known well in advance, so
please avoid making appointments on test days, if possible. No make-ups
will be provided for quizzes. The low quiz mark will be dropped
and a missed quiz will count as the low quiz. Dates are clearly
posted in the lab and also on
Your classmark
will reflect your attitude toward learning and your use of classtime.
Classwork/homework is to be completed as requested. Computer
accounts may be suspended if computers are not used appropriately.
Extra help will
be available on a daily basis in the morning and at noon. It is
best to check with me as I may occasionally have noon duty or meetings.
Please sign up in my agenda on the front counter.
If you are absent
for a class, it is your responsibility to contact a member of your
class prior to your return and make arrangements to get any notes.
Any handouts will be provided, however, it is your responsibility
to request them. If there was a lab during your absence, then
you may be required to make it up at noon. This depends on
the number of classes spent working on the lab. Assignments
and labs are due at the same time as the rest of the class, except
if you are absent on the due date. Be sure to pass anything
in as soon as you return to school if you missed the due date.
If it becomes apparent
that a student has cheated on quizzes/tests/exams, has copied labs/assignments/projects,
or has not referenced material, then a mark of zero will be assigned
for that work. Please refer to p26 of Student Agenda.
The content covered
in ADV will be basically the same as in Physics 11, however, the
ADV students will be expected to apply more advanced problem solving
skills throughout ALL aspects of the course. You will also be expected
to work more independently, to complete a project each term and
to attend occasional lunch seminars.