Principles of Design

Various exemplars of Principles of Design

Jana Spindler Thumbs

Robyn Stewart Rythm

Rachel Robinson thumbs

Caitlin Rose Repetition

Jana Asymmetry (when horizontal)

Jana Spinlder Emphasis

Jana Spindler Repetition

Jana Spindler Symmetry

Jill Morrison Asymmetry

Jill Morrison Emphasis

Jill Morrision Rhythm

Kate Legge Asymmetry

Kate Legge emphasis

Kate Legge grid

Kate Legge variety

Cheryl Oxford Repetition

Rachel Robinson Repetition (when horizontal)

Rachel Robinson Asymmetry

Rachel Robinson grid

Rachel Robinson Thumbs

Rachel Robinson (when horizontal)

Robyn Stewart asymmetry

Robyn Stewart Emphasis

Robyn Stewart Proportion
Copyright Paul Syme