A Logic of Invention in Design

Principles of Design (20 marks)

Take a series of photographs that focus on and exemplify the various Principles of Design. Take 30+ pictures so, in the end, you can have 5-10 strong exemplars.

Edit 5+ of these photos and combine images to enhance each one as an example of the principles of design. Consider the elements of art for colour, line, texture, shapes or values to help bring out each principle.(e.g. complementary colours, analogous colours; harmonious colours; primary, secondary, or tertiary colours). Also, see an interactive colour wheel.

Make a one or two page layout of these 5 exemplars and include with it titles, subtitles and brief descriptions.



Font Design (20 Marks)

1. Through two small personal objects, generate a word list (30 words each) of all of things associated with the objects. Each list may list such things as:

  • its physical properties
  • designed function
  • other functions
  • associations
  • personification of the object
  • personal significance
  • personal memories

2. create an expressive thmbnail for each word. See an example

3. Take eight genstures from each word list and pair them into new drawings. E.g. Take a wodr/gesture from column A and pair it with an unrelated word from column B. If each list has 30 words there are 900 possible combinations. Consider the elements of line, shape (form), texture, and value. See an example.

Also, create these marks within set frames and use the frame to create compositions, consider such design principles as symmetry, asymmetry, diagonal, proportion, depth (space), grid, variation, and repetition.

4. Take your 3 best drawing and use its features to design a font for each. Write each one to a 1/3 of a page using 5 letters of your name. See an example

5. Generate one of your fonts electronically.


This font was arrived at through the CATTt process of invention

Contrast - select two contrasting forms (i.e.shoe and an apple)

Analogy - deconstruct the forms and create an analogy for each (take descrptive terms and turn them into expressive gestures)

Theory - as an abstraction you tell us new stories. Take contrast elements and look for ways to pull them together (juxtapose and combine)

Target - take your Theories and give them purpose (i.e. turn juxtapositions into fonts)

tale - (tail/tale). This new form take on significance, becomes an archetype when invented and put into purose. Innovation occurs.

Finally (60 marks)

Combining your font design and your critical understanding of the Principles and Elements of design, construct a collage design for the cover of your Art Journal. The design will include your name presented through your new font. The design will also emphasize one appropriately chosen Principle of Design and a basic colour relationship (e.g. complementary colours; analogous colours; harmonious Colours; primary, secondary, or tertiary colours). See more details.
